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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

សេចក្តីថ្លែងការណ៏របស់លោកសមរង្ស៊ី បន្ទាប់ពីការដកអភ័យឯកសិទ្ធិសភារបស់លោក

Today, November 16, 2009, opposition leader Sam Rainsy issued a statement in Khmer and in English following the lifting of his parliamentary immunity.
To read Sam Rainsy's statement in Khmer please click at http://tinyurl.com/yfaoqam

November 16, 2009


My parliamentary immunity was lifted this morning. I feel sad and ashamed for my country's "National" Assembly. This assembly has very little national substance when it comes to defending the nation’s interest such as Cambodia's independence and territorial integrity, and to protecting the interest of the ordinary Khmer people such as poor and vulnerable farmers who are losing their vital rice fields and other farmland for internal or external reasons.

I am only a representative, a spokesman and a messenger for countless victims of abuses and injustices. I am only saying aloud that many things are going wrong in this country, that the current situation is just revolting and that Cambodia is heading for danger and other misfortunes.

In response to my warning and my cry for redress the ruling CPP has found nothing better than silencing the spokesman and eliminating the messenger.

By condemning me through the undemocratic and farcical lifting of my parliamentary immunity they have actually condemned their own country and their own people.

Sam Rainsy

Elected representative of the Cambodian people faithfully doing his duty

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4 comments: on "សេចក្តីថ្លែងការណ៏របស់លោកសមរង្ស៊ី បន្ទាប់ពីការដកអភ័យឯកសិទ្ធិសភារបស់លោក"

Anonymous said...

I supported 100% what Sam Raingsy has done in the Youn-Cambdia border.

Anonymous said...

* I am supported too.But his done a wrong time wrong year.
*show up by wrong time cause to a Big Goals.
*CPP righ now re-born all authorities [Special Military and Police].
*khmer police and ARMY Generals are not the same THAI or Philippine.They're rebuiled by HUN SEN [Not from school ACADEMY].
*Some time challenge with Dictator guy ...we need to does SMART everythings like Game in chinese kong fu movies.
*in HUN SEN regime....everythings are impossible can change to Possible.
*Mr SAMRAINSY Should KNOW this Point.
*KHMER PEOPLES RIGH NOW not the same THAI or Phillipine Peoples yet.
*so some time Mr samrainsy not SMART Enought about Bad Tactics of viet-nam Hanoi and CPP Games Politics.so khmer leaders always Loosed with yourns Hanoi Leaders since year 1960-2009.[King sihanouk,Lon nol,Polpot,Hun sen nor Sam Rainsy] too.
KHMER 1970

Borey said...

I really support his activity in this piont which is so important to attrack public opinion to pay attention on border issue at the East also.

What is going to happen nexr His Excellency? hope the wind will bring Cambodia a change.

Anonymous said...

*How come?.
*Cambodia can change ....if:
*Mr SAMRAINSY have Popular name Like Mr Mendela Nelson of AFRICA.
*All High range officers Military and Police Authorities rebuil from ACADEMY School not from HUN SEN.
*Khmer peoples feel Better and courages [No more cowards diseases].
*all SPY viet-nam agents Distroy by khmer military like in Lon Nol regime[1970-75].
*Mr SAMRAINSY in Good everythings no problem for Blame.
*when his win CPP ...his can do everythigs by Law to ANTI DICTATOR GUY and viet-nam influence.
*Righ now his jumping in CPP and Hanoi net Plans.his Hard to Escape now. HUN SEN Have Plan to put his SON [GENERAL HUN MANETH ] in his military Authority soon.
*so if Mr samrainsy dont know to Play game set up Politic of H.S CPP and Hanoi....his will have a
Problem and can not win HUN SEN for EVER.
Note: remember :khmer Peoples after year 1979 are not the same khmer Peoples befor year 1975 and not the same Thai peoples yet.
KHMER 1970