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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Year 03 Issue 510, October 16 2009

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2 comments: on "Year 03 Issue 510, October 16 2009"

Anonymous said...

*Hun sen regime had a lot Big mistakes for our khmer Motherland.But no one in CPP Members Find that mistakes yet.Befor year 1975 the SPY Viet-cong agents Appeared in khmer Govermnents 100% are civilians and have a low or small jobs in khmer society.But righ now since year 1979 alot SPY VIET-CONG HAD a Big and high range JOBS in Hun sen Goevrment.some guys are khmer Army or Police Generals,some are khmer Millionaire or Okgha...They're Distroyed khmer Nation by SOLD LAND,Cut Tree,Drugs dealers ect.....Hun sen regime will have time like Polpot regime in year 1979 soon.

Anonymous said...

*Yes Everythings in Hun sen Power are Righ for CPP Now.But if The GOD have a Magic Eyes, in the Global have a Justice....and khmer Heroes Souls are Wake up.....one upon time Hun sen regime will Collaspes and Everyhtings are Change...The viet-nam SPY will Distroye by khmer peoples revolution and all Bad guys will have time like HOK LUNDY for example.